
Archive for the ‘Signs from Spirit’ Category

Introducing Oliver.

Puppy's first tour

This is my new excuse to head outside for some exercise. Oliver is a four month old Morkie. So far he is a spectacular little dog. As long as I take him outside every half hour or so, he does not do things inappropriately in the house. He sleeps on the bed beside me in his little crate and sleeps through the night – no accidents! He loves to play and to walk which is an answer to my prayers. He fetches endlessly as Buddy used to do. He eats, sleeps, and plays. What else could you want in a dog?

I’ve had him now for four days. He’s been out for short walks down the road with me and follows along perfectly. The harness I bought is too big for him, so I made sure he was close enough to scoop up if a car approached – but no cars so far on our walks.

Today I made him a little coat and took him out on the trail across the road to see if he was up for the hour’s trek.

Here he is on my side of the road, just checking out the dead bracken.

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We.re on the trail now, and he’s sticking very close behind me as we walk along. When I stop, he investigates the surroundings. There’s a lot for a new little puppy to discover.

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I’m wondering what he’ll think about the water.

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It’s frozen over and he stays safely on shore. (But for a moment I was afraid he was going to step out.)

Note to self: We need a harness and a leash.

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We continue along the winding trail, me turning to be sure he’s with me every half minute or so. Every time I check he’s right there, only inches from my feet. I can’t hear him, so I need to keep checking.

But suddenly, when I turn to see if he’s there, he’s gone! I look back along the trail and he’s standing there, maybe 40 feet away, looking at me. I start running back to him, calling his name.

Either he no longer recognizes me, and I frighten him, or he’s fed up with the walk. He turns and runs as fast as he can back along the trail the way we came. I run like a mad woman, but I cannot catch up with him. Soon he’s completely out of sight. I say a few prayers as I’m terrified he’ll just dash across the road and get hurt. We live on a dead end with only three houses, but still – there are cars occasionally.

I’m praying he’s gone home, but I can’t really believe it can be possible. This is the first time we’ve gone left out of the driveway and down the road, and he’s never been on the trail before.

I exit the trail, rush panting up the hill and into the driveway. Then I hear him barking. He’s at the back door and want’s me to let him in. He seems confused when I appear behind him.

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My conclusion is, he didn’t recognize me when I turned and ran back to get him. so he ran for safety – back to the home he has known for only a few days. How is that possible?


Now Here’s a Question? Do you think Dogs Reincarnate to be with a former person? This little dog reminds me so much of Buddy that I find myself wondering if it is possible that he is the reincarnation of Buddy’s soul.

In my search for a new best friend, I asked Spirit to let me know with some sort of sign, that the dog I found was meant to be my dog. When I went to meet this little puppy, he was living with a family of cat, dogs, child, and parents. I met the mom who was very warm and friendly. At one point while she was chatting about the dog, she said, “I don’t know why, but this is his favorite toy.” Then she reached into the laundry basket, pulled out a sock, rolled it into a ball, and tossed it for the puppy to retrieve. Which he did, bringing it back to my feet.

Now if you are a long time follower of this blog, you may remember that socks were Buddy’s favorite toys. Surely that was my sign that this was my dog.

Since then Oliver has displayed many behaviors that remind me so much of Buddy, that I find it hard not to ponder the reincarnation possibility. Also, my cat Abbey who knew Buddy, has been very affectionate from the first time she saw him – no hissing! Here she is greeting only minutes after his arrival.


Now, I do know that dogs have strong noses, and it’s not impossible that Oliver could have found his way home again. But still – where is home to him, here, or where he’s lived for the past 4 months? And how was he able to race back without putting his nose to ground?

Just wondering!

He’s a sweetheart!

And yes, don’t worry – lesson learned! NOT going out for a walk without a harness and leash again!







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I haven’t made an entry here for months – years even. But today I had a visitor to the suet feeder, and I feel inspired to share, and to perhaps resume my blogging.

Look who showed up. I’ve never seen a crow at the feeder before. I love crows, and know they are very spiritual beings, bringing magic into ones life.

Who doesn’t like magic? Unusual Sight - Crow at the feeder IMG_4891

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What I look at when I’m sitting on my rock

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to Mother Earth, 2012, and all that sort of stuff lately. This morning I decided to turn the computer off and go sit on my rock by the water and commune for a while. As I am want to do, I was reflecting on life and death, and whether this thing called ascension is going to be a reality in my lifetime and whether I will be going.

My rock

I am always wondering if I’m on the path I should be on, and whether I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing (you know the sort of thing). I asked Spirit to give me a sign. (I’m keen on signs). Then in a gesture of futility I let my body collapse, folding over between my splayed knees with my head nearly on the ground. I was just thinking how flexible I was for an old woman when I heard branches snapping right behind me. It sounded much too loud to be Bo. I sat up, noticed Bo wasn’t by my side, and pivoted around on my stone. Staring at me about two feet away was a huge cow. Now I’m not talking some cute little black and white cow here. This was a big, red, cow with two serious looking horns on the front.

I stood up, made note of Bo a few feet away, clearly not concerned, and then considered whose cow this might be. The only people I know with a brown cow are the new neighbors way up at the top of the road. Surely this couldn’t be their cow. But the more I thought about it, the more I figured it had to be Ruby. It looked just like her.

So I headed off to the house to call. Bo and Ruby followed. At the house, Ruby wanted to head to the back over the cat tunnel. I tried to lead her to the front, but I realized immediately as she jerked my hand free of her head harness (what ever it’s called), that she was going to do what she wanted to do, and I would have no influence on that.

I ran in and called Elizabeth, and yes, she had lost her cow. She’d be right there.

Well…I could only hope Ruby would hang around. But she didn’t. She headed for the chicken coop, stopped for a sniff or two, and then disappeared into the woods. By the time Elizabeth and Jim, (the other neighbor up there with the chickens), arrived, she was long gone.

Optimistically tracking Ruby through the woods – this is Elizabeth (not the Elizabeth in the earlier post)

We all headed into the woods after her. We heard nothing – not a sound. But we searched for a while, came back to the house to see if she’d doubled back, and finally Elizabeth and I set out again through the woods, this time carefully following her tracks. She weighs 1000 pounds – she makes tracks. We were a good way into the woods when Elizabeth got a call from the police (she’d already called them with her number in case someone called reporting a stray cow). Ruby was a good mile and a half away and had been spotted.

We raced back to the house, jumped in my car and headed to the address. Neighbor Jim followed in his car. Ruby was standing at the back of a field. Elizabeth went to get her, luring her with broccoli leaves from my garden. Ruby munched on a few, but as soon as Elizabeth attached the lead Ruby yanked it out of her hand and headed off into the woods again. Elizabeth followed after her and I ran to follow Elizabeth. But I had Bo sitting in my car with the engine on and the windows wide open. As I was deliberating what to do, Elizabeth shouted that she was just going to follow Ruby, and that I should go. Elizabeth had the idea that when Ruby got tired, she could lead her out and back home (we’re talking at least two miles at this point).

I had visions of Elizabeth traipsing through the woods for hours totally lost – no water, no flashlight, no pillow. She could end up spending the night in the woods – there’s a lot of woods around here and it is very easy to get lost. So I didn’t feel good about abandoning her. But I turned around and headed back to the car. Jim had stayed at the road, concerned about Bo. He had to pick up his son at school in a short while. I raced home with Bo, thinking that I would drop him off, grab some water and gloves, and then drive back along another road to see if I could come in from the other side of the woods. I soon realized how stupid that idea was. There I was standing at some random spot along the road hoping to be lucky.

So I drove back to the spot where Ruby had gone back into the woods – just trying to think of some way to fix this problem. To my surprise, I saw Jim’s car parked further up the road. I parked and got out, and then I heard them calling. Ruby had doubled back and Jim, driving with his window down had heard her. When I got to them, Elizabeth and Jim already had Ruby tied between two trees.

Ruby tethered

Trying to keep her from choking herself – That’s Jim in the background

Ruby was not a happy cow, and it was obvious that Elizabeth was not going to be happily trotting down the road to home with Ruby at her side. In fact even the three of us weren’t going to be able to lead her home. So…Elizabeth (cell phone in the woods is a handy item) called and arranged the loan of a trailer from a nearby farm, Jim went off to pick it up, and Elizabeth and I watched over Ruby. She was very unhappy and was continually trying to pull free, which left her nearly strangled numerous times.

Elizabeth’s theory about why Ruby is so distraught is that she was recently inseminated. She’d had a short time of pre-motherhood, hormonal, bliss. Elizabeth says she could tell Ruby knew something was up, and was happy about it. She’s had a calf before, so probably remembers. But then she lost it. Elizabeth thinks this is why she’s depressed. It’s reasonable.

Not a happy cow

Now the whole reason Ruby got loose in the first place was because the barn was being painted and when it was time to paint the stall doors, Ruby was in a temporary fenced area along with the goats. She bolted when the temporary door was opened to let the goats back into their stall. As Elizabeth headed down to my place, the painters volunteered to help if needed. Well…she did need help. There was no way the three of us could hold Ruby. So she called them.

The painters arrived about the time the trailer arrived. Gloves on, collar and more leads on Ruby, and the process of moving her to the road got underway. It’s a miracle no one was seriously injured, including Ruby. She balked, and then charged, balked and charged. One of the painters went flying face down. They wrapped the leads around a tree and got her stopped. Then they went at it again. Then Ruby tripped going over a stone wall, and went belly down. Another charge, and Elizabeth went flying.

Heading off – well, trying to head off

A little progress made

I had been thinking Ruby might be more manageable with her eyes covered. So, with nothing to lose, I took my t-shirt off (I was wearing two), and draped it over her head. This did indeed help – at least until she shook it free. But with continued eye coverings, they all made it to the trailer, and she stepped up and with a shove, was in. Whew!

She’s safe inside

Back home, she went pretty calmly into her stall.

Getting the barn doors open

Only one way to go, Ruby

Good girl

Home sweet home

I know there are a few players in this little episode who must have some bruises. I am not one of them as you will have surmised. I’m so glad I thought to bring my camera.

So…I was wondering. Was Ruby my sign from Spirit? Sort of funny how she showed up like that.

I looked up the spiritual meaning of cow.

“Cow: Cow spirit symbolizes our maternal instinct to nurture and care for one another. Cow reminds us to employ a more docile approach to the situation at hand. The key is to pay careful attention to our affairs, as there may a tendency to follow the lead of others without question.  The lesson is to recognize that we all need to belong, but that we should not betray our truth to do so. Cow promises fertility, wealth and fulfillment to the dreamer.” (Quote taken from: http://www.cathyginter.com/TOTEM.html.)

I might quibble with that word “docile”, but basically my answer is: Stop spending so much time paying attention to what other people are saying on the computer. Listen to yourself. Relax, there’s nothing to worry about. And turn my attention outward to others.

Thank you Spirit. Thank you Ruby. Message gratefully received.

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This is not the entry I had planned. In fact I had another entry nearly completed, but for some reason could not bring myself to post it. I had been struggling because I was not ready to move on from my tribute to Buddy and needed a transition that felt right. I wrote what I thought would work, but my inner voice told me to wait. Apparently I was waiting for the events of yesterday.


I don’t often discuss my spiritual explorations on this blog, but from what I have included, you will know that my beliefs are non-traditional. Part of my journey has taken me to Drunvalo Melchizedek’s books including his latest, Living In The Heart, which includes a CD for a heart meditation. I’ve listened to the CD numbers of times, but found his visualization just did not work for me – in fact I was so resistant to the method that I gave up altogether. I felt bad about this as I feel Drunvalo is quite accurate in his assessment that we access the spiritual realms through our heart.


Tuesday I stumbled upon another heart meditation which had the perfect visualization for me. All I can say is that I was instantly attracted to the method. There is an audio of this method, as well as the text. I listened to the audio version and followed along with the suggested visualization. When it came to the part about asking for help in a particular area, I asked for help in digging out my dark side so that I could bring it to the light and be free of it or them (as the case is likely to be). Now this was a very quick meditation – I was sitting at the kitchen table, Abbey my black cat was on the table weaving back and forth between me and the lap top, butting her head against me. It didn’t matter, this was only research from my perspective – a trial run, so to speak. I listened for the five minutes or so the meditation took, and that was it.


I will preface what I say next with the statement that I have been both marveling and puzzled over how smooth the transition has been from life with Buddy to life without Buddy. My intellect put it down to my belief in an after life – and my conviction that he is simply in another dimension, and might possibly still be around even though I cannot see him.


Still, I haven’t done much since burying him two weeks ago. Motivation is at a low. Mostly I’ve eaten a lot of chocolate, lain around in bed excessively, and been glued to the internet. (I guess this part was good since I found the new heart meditation).


To continue – yesterday I went out to put the chickens to bed, and as I walked back to the house I passed Buddy’s grave, and I said goodnight as I have been doing these past weeks. But this time a huge welling of pain and sadness came rushing up from inside – a pain I hadn’t felt since putting him in the ground. This persisted for the next several hours while I went through the evening’s chores, fed Bo, washed dishes, put out clean water for the cats. I’d have to stop and sob every once in a while, holding onto the counter so I didn’t just collapse. I did not want supper, so Bo, Abbey, and I retreated to the bedroom.


I sat in the bathroom for a while trying to figure out why all of a sudden I was grieving. Memories of Buddy standing at the bathroom door waiting for the signal to go get a sock for me to throw came rushing in. I yearned to feel his presence. I asked Buddy (and Spirit) to help me feel his presence. And then I asked Buddy to bark if he was there. Sounds crazy, I know. But I was somehow convinced he could do this.


I had barely gotten the words out when there was a sharp, high-pitched, bark from the bedroom. It was followed by cat noise – something like a cat complaint. Now the bark was not exactly Buddy’s bark, but it was a bark – clearly not at all a noise that a cat makes (not my cats anyway), and certainly not Abbey who only meows to be let into a room, and I am very familiar with her voice. This also was definitely not Bo. It was as if Buddy had barked through Abbey’s vocal chords. And then Abbey reacted. I knew without a doubt that this was Buddy. If you had been here you would have said, “what was that?” It was that unusual.


I put my pajamas on, and rolled up one of my socks and tossed it on the bed for Buddy. Then, before sleeping, I went through the heart meditation in my mind, and again asked for my dark side to brought into my consciousness. I also asked for a bit of healing for the cough I’ve been nursing for ten days or so now.


When I awoke this morning, I felt better. Clearly I had buried my sadness rather than experiencing it. As I thought about this, it dawned on me that that is part of the darkness – buried pain. Then I remembered the meditation. Could it be that the heart meditation had begun its work that fast? Certainly this pain was very close to the surface, and not difficult to bring up. But wasn’t it interesting?


Immediately I went through the meditation again, vowing to begin and end each day with this simple visual exercise. As I was meditating, lying back in my imaginary golden barcolounger, it dawned on me that I was lying on my back – something I couldn’t do the morning before due to pain in the lungs. Already I was getting better. Hmmm?


It is now mid morning and my cough is indeed much better. The metaphor of coughing up ‘stuff’ in the physical for the last ten days for needing to bring my grief out into the light does not escape me.


I don’t believe there are accidents or coincidences. This life we live is an incredible weaving of interconnections and synchronicities that give us direction and guidance (not to mention, joy) if only we open our eyes.


For this wonderful life, I am so grateful.  


Link to the Cosmic Awareness page and the Heart Chamber Meditation audio and text.  

You will notice that most of the information on this site is now free due to the nearing of December 21, 2012.


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September 12, 1999 – January 17, 2012

My beloved toy poodle Buddy died this week. I buried him Wednesday at noon under the lilac tree. His death was not unexpected. If you have been following this blog, you will know that he had a heart problem, and had slowed down over the last few years. I miss him and will go on missing him. He was the best of dogs – my constant companion – my best friend. I was so lucky to have had the last twelve years with him, and I have a treasure chest of memories to keep me warm.

These last few days I have been going through my photo albums, pulling out memories. Today I decided to indulge myself and post a memorial to Buddy. So for those of you who have followed  Buddy over the last year and a half or so on this blog, here’s a glimpse of the past.

One Dogs Life

One November day my life changed. Buddy arrived, unannounced – just a tiny ball of fuzz only a few months old. His first family, Robin and Doug brought him to my house and presented him to me. They had named him Buddy, after my Uncle Bud, their step-father, who had recently passed away. He was a gift too from Jon, Bud’s step-son, and Alison, his daughter.
Who could refuse a gift like this?

Buddy's first Mama, Robin. You know part of her wants to turn around and take him back home.

Here's Buddy checking out Doug's shoe


The love of socks started with this one

All his life Buddy’s favorite toy was a rolled up sock. He would bring me socks from wherever he could find them, clean or not.  When we visited my daughter’s, he would vanish upstairs to the boys’ rooms and reappear downstairs dragging a long dirty tube sock after him. How he loved socks.



I had a lot of cats when Buddy arrived. He got to know them all, but over the years he had favorites he loved to torment. Sometimes the tables were turned, and the cats did the tormenting – especially Abbey, my black cat. She would wind back and forth between me and Buddy making it impossible for Buddy to bring me his toy of the moment. Eventually Buddy would bark at her and she’d back off. Here Buddy meets Rupert and tries to interest him in a game of ball.


I fetch - you throw


And he had to share the bed with the cats (some of them) - I needed a spot too!


There were other things to play to play with - leaves!

And snow - what is this stuff?

And snow - is this for me?

Ribbons and bows! Buddy's first Christmas at Little Mama's


Not sure which is in worse shape - the frisbee or the dog

The first year I had Buddy, I started digging a fish pond. This was a major undertaking during which I learned how to lift huge boulders out by raising them inch by inch and inserting stones underneath. Buddy loved the muddy hole I was digging and had a lot of baths that summer.


Buddy is just about cat size now - here he is with Rupert and Toby


And here with Muffin

One happy dog

Out for a walk with the family at the arboretum - Buddy waiting for me

All aboard!


Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound

About this time my daughter’s family adopted a standard poodle. Sophie was a big dog and clearly dominated when she was around. Buddy figured out that if he walked around under her belly, she couldn’t drag him around as she was want to do. Unfortunately I never got a picture of this hilarious behavior. Here Sophie is visiting and the dogs are gated out of the living room. Buddy performs his levitation act, leaping from a standstill to a height well over his head. He would do this outdoors in the ferns, leaping up and down like a jumping jack, searching for his ball that had been tossed for him to find. He was a very focused dog and would search the entire woodland area until he found it.


Sophie and Buddy - Hey, that's my frisbee

The abominable snow dog


Buddy's favorite lap

There was only one lap Buddy would sit in, and that was my daughter’s. He would sit there and look at me as if pointing out my shortcomings. Buddy and Miranda shared the same sun sign. They had a very special bond.

Buddy - gloating


I had to get very good with my aim or I'd have to climb into the snow

Winters could be rough. The first time Buddy came in from being out in the deep snow I heard a strange rattling sound. Upon investigation, I found a mass of tiny snow balls hanging from the hair under Buddy’s belly. They rattled together as he walked. Playing in the snow usually meant a warm shower for Buddy afterward. Often the snow was so deep he couldn’t even get off the paths – but he tried, intrepid dog that he was.

Buddy and Simon investigate a mouse

Here’s Buddy with Simon. They have found a mouse and are very curious. This little mouse survived the inspection – no doubt in part due to the large spirit mouse that I discovered as I pulled out photos. (Quite amazing isn’t it?)

Is that a spirit mouse watching over little mouse?


I want to play too!

Many summers when the grandchildren would visit we would break out the croquet set. Our games never followed the traditional set up. The kids would put the hoops all over the yard, behind stumps, up the hills, etc. The main difficulty in playing, however, was the inteference from Buddy who insisted in dropping his frisbee on top of the ball we were about to hit. In the end we added a rule that if Buddy covered your ball with his frisbee, you’d get an additional hit. Here is Buddy bringing his frisbee over (note the croquet hoop at the bottom). The other is Matthew expressing annoyance – obviously before the new rule.

Just toss this first, will you?


Buddy was never far from the action - here we are getting ready for water balloon croquet


Nearing the top of Mt. Gap

Almost every summer we climbed Mt. Gap – a local mountain that allows dogs. Buddy always came with us and hung out under the blueberry bushes at the top while we picked berries.

Here’s the family at the summit of another local mountain.

Buddy posing with some of the family


Here's Buddy at Ogunquit


Buddy in his prime - at home


Safe under Jon's chair

When Buddy was about four, my daughter’s family adopted a Newfoundland named Njill. Although she has a gentle nature, her size was a little imtimidating. Buddy found safety under chairs, tables, or barricaded on the sofa.


He had no trouble making himself at home at my daughter's


Sweet boy

Some favorite photos including one of Buddy in his black bag on my kayak. He went everywhere with me, and would lie quietly in his bag under a table in a restaurant, or in a grocery cart, and on the floor at all the kids school concerts. Only once in his life did he ever make a noise and that was at one of the concerts

At the helm

where the orchestra was just too ‘off’ for his liking. He started howling which gave me and my daughter a case of the giggles. Fortunately my hand inserted into the bag was enough to silence him. He was really remarkable. No one ever knew there was a dog around. (I wouldn’t have taken him into public this way if he’d been a breed that upsets allergies.)


Morning Glories and glorious dog


A favorite expression meaning - did I hear you correctly?

Buddy was home groomed – can you tell?

Buddy under the lilac

I was glad to find this photo as this was a favorite spot of Buddy’s under the shade of the lilac. This is where I buried him.

Buddy and his new stroller

One of the first signs that Buddy was having problems was that when I’d head out for a walk, he’d sit on the driveway and refuse to follow me down the road. I modified my behavior to slow meanderings around the yard and into our woods. Our almost daily hike up the hill and down around the lake became a thing of the past. Eventually I invested in a dog stroller which allowed me to take good walks with Bo without leaving Buddy behind. I like to think Buddy was really happy to be on the road again. Here he is after our first walk. The second photo is us heading out this fall on a cold November day. Max is coming with us.

Heading out for a stroll(er) with Max And Bo (out of view)


Buddy in his winter coat


Bird watching

The last week of Buddy’s life he stayed indoors. I piled cushions up at the picture window, and we sat there together gazing out at the birds feeding on the seed I’d tossed in the snow. Bo was with us lying in front of the wood stove.

Our last week's hangout

It was a peaceful, quiet time of memories and loving. I carried him where he needed to go, and though his body was slowing down, Buddy still managed to let me know if he needed water, or to go out.
And then he was gone.

Buddy's grave

Buddy’s grave under the lilac isn’t pretty at the moment. I placed a large stone taken from the ground as a marker. Come spring I will make a new marker, and plant shade flowers.


Standing vigil

Wednesday afternoon when I went to the window I discovered one of the chickens sitting at the edge of the grave site, just staring at the grave. If you know chickens, you’ll know this is odd. Especially so since they are compelled to dig when in the presence of loose soil. This chicken was just sitting and staring. I don’t know when she began sitting there, but I watched her for a good five minutes  before another chicken came along and started digging. I went out then and moved them away. It is possible that she tuned into the emotions of that spot, or perhaps she was seeing something I couldn’t see. In any event, I thought it was lovely.


The gift

Thursday morning when I looked out, there was the black squirrel I’d seen several weeks earlier and had been wishing would return so I could get a photo of it. I’ve never seen a black squirrel before. Actually, I think it’s very dark brown, but appears black.  I’d been looking for that squirrel for days. I like to think Buddy sent me the squirrel as a gift from beyond.


Black and grey squirrels

Until I see you again, my friend, God speed.



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It seems insensitive to talk about how great life is when it just isn’t so great for everyone. But believe me I am so appreciative for all my blessing. I am a most fortunate person.

For a few days now, the cold and rain has gone and it feels like summer. I’m just back from a walk with the dogs – just ambling around the grounds here, down to the ponds, over the newly cut lawn (weeds), expounding upon how glorious it all is.

 I sat on my stone down by the water and conversed a bit with the unseens up beyond the clouds. I asked the Pleiadians if I belonged with them. I am especially drawn to them and have recently begun doing the Pleiadian Crystal Light Body Activation (more about this below). I asked if they were aware that I was doing this. Just then a brisk wind picked up, blew across my face and ruffled the near by trees. I made note. Then I asked if that was their way of saying yes. To that, an opening formed in the clouds above and the sun came pouring through – just for a moment. I’m taking these signs as affirmations.

Taken a few days ago

As I sat there talking out loud to whoever might be listening, I pondered an astrology fact about my journey here this time around which I recently read in a fabulous book given me by a fellow light worker. This is one of the most profound and deeply knowledgeable books I’ve ever read. (Click here to see the book.)

Anyway, it seems all my struggles to experience the many dimensions, are counter productive. This time around I am supposed to be very much in the third dimension, and serving others.

To that end, I have stepped up my commitment to begin offering the Pleiadian Crystal Light Body Ascension process for the public. Normally I wear my hats separately, but I’m posting this spiritually related information here to get the word out. There is no charge for this service.

The light body is our MerKaBa. We need it in order to ascend. There are a number of methods for activating this multi-dimensional light ship, but this particular Pleiadian Crystal methods resonates with me. It is very right-brained.

Please go to my palmistry website for more information www.bellpalmistry.com.








[I just want to add that I still have a terrible time placing photos where I want them on the page. Everything seems to float around, and never ends up looking like what I see when I am creating the page. I spend hours fiddling around and then opt for something I don’t want just because it’s the only way I can get it to look vaguely presentable. But still…some of you are not seeing what I see, and you might think I have no sense of balance, aesthetics, etc. I do, but this software confounds me. I suspect that if I paid for the more advanced wordpress I’d get what I’m looking for. But…for now I’ll live with the free version.]

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I wish to begin 2011 with a new direction; so on this last day of 2010, it seems a good time to draw some conclusions regarding the orb phenomenon which has consumed me for much of the fall.

Taken when it was snowing Dec. 22 (Snow not orbs!)

It has become evident to me that most of my outdoor orb photos are probably due to moisture, and not some other dimensional manifestation. During the last ten days or so while I was hibernating ill in bed most of the time, I did manage to snap a few photos during the inclement weather, including during the recent snow storm. The photos I captured make it quite clear that the orbs I have been getting for some weeks now, with the donut like effect, are water droplets. The solid white ones are snow or very dense moisture. Here are a few samples of the recent photos.

Max surrounded by snow orbs

This 'Misty Thing' is my breath


I also did some experimentation with my breath during photo shoots, and have been easily able to capture the “Misty Thing”, so that too I am dismissing as moisture.

Now, having explained away these orbs, I am left with a few things which I still puzzle about, and cannot completely dismiss as moisture, or lens reflections/refractions. And there are a tiny collection of things which I cannot explain at all, and still believe may be from Spirit. Some of these things I have not included before in the blog.

Photo one with no orb

The things I am iffy about are some of the indoor orbs, especially those taken when I had removed all reflective objects in my house, and those taken at MindFull Books & Ephemera where the veil is thin between dimensions. I am also still uncertain about some of the really bright outdoor orbs.

Next photo taken has an orb


I'm still wondering about these three


Untouched - taken Nov. 1

The things for which I have no rational explanation are two photos I captured at separate times of an apparently moving bright light. In both these photos, you can see that other things photographed (the stars in one, and the house roof in the other) are not moving. My mind tells me that if the squiggly lights were due to camera shake, the other objects would appear moving as well. So…what are these?

Close up of wiggly light


Closeup of another wiggly light taken in Oct.


Then there are the two orbs that showed up in the camera shop that confounded the camera guy. These orbs stand out as having had the intended purpose of heightening my conviction that the Spirit realm was involved.

Camera shop orbs


And last but not least, I am still dumbstruck by the apparent communication that occurred between me and the orbs on two consecutive days. The first was the orb within a triangle that I received after making a request for a triangle in an orb – this first reply came with what I interpreted as quite sense of humor. 

Heart in a triangle out in the hemlock

The second was a heart within a triangle within an orb that came the next day after requesting a heart in an orb. This orb is so unlike any orb I’ve ever seen that I can find no explanation for it other than it is magical. I suppose it is possible I manifested this orb, but the fact that the heart showed up inside a triangle makes me think this is from an intelligence beyond myself. I can find no other explanation for this.

So there you have it.

For the moment, I will put aside my orb fixation and move on.

Today’s heading outside will take me down to the pond to venture out on the ice and cut down the maple tree branches that came down over the pond during the ice storm in 2008. The ice provides an excellent opportunity to harvest some wood for next year.

Happy New Year everyone. May 2011 be a miraculous year for us all.

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Due to the large number of visitors to my site yesterday, it occurred to me that I might have made it sound as if I’d had a visitation from ETs in body form. Sorry if I misled anyone. When they land, believe me, I’ll make it really clear in the title, ETs Have Landed. But then, I rather suspect you will already know it – and perhaps I won’t be in any state to post a blog.


I’ve been reading a LOT these days and months – ever since TV went digital and my set up here in the woods no longer functioned. I don’t regret it at all. In fact, I heartily recommend to those of you who find world affairs pulling you down, or into a place where you feel angry, frustrated, or helpless, to just turn it all off. When you replace these things with your immediate environment and things at hand, suddenly there is space for laughter and calm. This doesn’t mean I don’t care about what we are doing to Mother Earth, it just means that instead of taking the fear based views from the media as a stepping off place, I can instead find a heart based place to go where one no longer feels helpless, and where ones thoughts turn naturally to healing.

Turning off the mind numbing machines that lead me away from my own power, leaves me a lot of time for other things. So I devour fiction and non-fiction. Currently I’m reading a wonderful book that I recommend to all. It’s entitled Expecting Adam, written by Martha Beck. It’s been out a long time and I’m a latecomer to it, but if you also have not yet read it, you will find yourself laughing out loud on almost every page. It is a memoir of a woman who is expecting her second child who turns out to have Down syndrome. The couple having this child are PhD Harvard intellectuals, VERY left brained – and NOT into intangible things such as the unseen forces. However, even before they know the child will not be ‘normal’, magical and unexplained things start happening to them both. Both parents keep these things to themselves to avoid being viewed as teetering in Lala Land. But the forces are at work. This is a wonderfully written book, and leaves your jaw dropping at the things that happen to them as this powerful force from a higher realm comes into manifestation on Earth. There is nothing sentimental, or squishy about this book. If you are left brained and choose scientific proof over faith, you will find what happens in this book pretty interesting, and will feel at home with their orientation to things. If you already have gone down the path of being a believer, you’ll get pulled deep into that place of knowing and want the book to never end.

Taken during rain through open window - suspect orbs, though look at the brownish one with the sweet face

And this leads me back to my own need for ‘proof’. Yesterday was a rainy day – all the orbs I got went into my pile of skeptical orbs. I tried taking photos from inside the house and shooting outside so that my lens would stay dry. Still…I’m not convinced the orbs were not from the water in the air.

Shot taken just as streak of light came up from the carpet

At one point, I lay on the bed upstairs and took photos of the wall in front of me, requesting that the orbs show up inside where I knew it wasn’t raining. During this series of photo taking, at one point, just as I was pressing the shutter to focus, I saw a light rise up from the carpet, like a tiny streak of lightening. I snapped and captured an orb up on the wall. When I put the photos up on the computer, I discovered that I had also captured two orbs in an earlier shot. Neither of these shots are as impressive as some of the others I’ve taken inside, but the fact that I could see the light moving in the viewfinder was new. I might see if I can get a video of the orbs moving. First I need to figure out how to view these videos on the computer. They do load up, but for some reason I don’t seem able to play them.

Two tiny orbs in the back room

Taken this morning after our first little snow - are these orbs or mist reflections?


I do notice that things seem to be opening up for me. Last night after reading, as I lay in bed thinking – eyes shut, I suddenly saw in front of my eyes a small TV like screen. I actually had to touch my eyes at several points just to make sure my eyes were closed (not that it would matter, but I was fascinated that I couldn’t tell if my eyes were closed or not). Anyway, on the screen was a diagonal split image. On both sections, animals started appearing. The top seemed to be more sky oriented, and the bottom was more earth, with a sandy soil bottom. Animals were running/flying across both sections of the screen, and it came to me that these were extinct animals, or endangered ones anyway. Then across the bottom of the screen, words started scrolling by – like a ticker tape, only it was clear black typewritten sentences. It was going too fast, and I could only catch a word or two here and there. I asked ‘them’ to slow it down, but I couldn’t seem to get to slow. But I had the distinct feeling that if I had a tape recorder, I could simply read aloud what was written there. I was so curious about what was being said, and sad that I couldn’t see the words well enough to read them. The words did seem to be in English – I knew I could read them if it just went slower.

This went on for about five minutes, and then the TV was gone. I did feel pretty confident that this is something that can happen again, and perhaps next time I can get it to slow down. It seems that clairvoyance may be opening up for me. Until now I have depended mainly on claircognizance (this is a sort of brain dump of information – suddenly one just knows something.) One day I’ll do a piece of some of the more spectacular instances of this. 

On the surface, this doesn’t seem much related to heading outside mission for this blog, but upon deeper reflection, I’m pretty sure it is all related to being out in nature and seeing and talking to the orbs. So, I send gratitude to the Spirits for bringing such delight into my life.

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My two youngest grandchildren were here again this weekend. And although we have no snow, it has been cold enough for outside adventures to include exploring the ice covered ponds. All two little boys need to be happy is a stick and something to throw it at. We spent some time down where the water is running attempting to break off bits of the newly formed ice. Success was met with cheers and a search for even bigger sticks.

Playing ball with Max - (there's one of the new orbs in this photo at floor level at the bottom of the bed)

Max was here for most of the weekend. He quickly became part of the entertainment as we discovered he loves to chase things. Much time was spent throwing two little rubber balls for Max.

Saturday afternoon as we sat in front of the woodstove, the sounds of racing ski mobiles on the pond across the road invaded our quiet afternoon. Rather than being annoyed as I might have done when alone, the presence of two little boys served to transform my perspective. “Hey! Let’s go watch,” I shouted, leaping up. As I hoped, they leapt up too. We bundled up and hurried across the road and in through the narrow bit of woods to the edge of the pond where we stood and waited up on the bank, for the return circuit. We saw the headlights before we heard them, and then watched as two jet skiers raced in straight toward us, slowed, turned, lined themselves up, and then took off with a roar at top speed and whizzed away into a cloud of snow dust. Then we waited and watched it all over again. Our own private performance with all the noise and speed two boys (and even a grandma) could want.

When the show was over we went down on the ice and slid around a bit, tried to break through where air bubbles had frozen over, and eventually came home having had a perfect adventure outside.

During the nights with the boys here, I still managed to head outside in the darkness to meet with the night beings – what ever they are.

The new orbs first sighting

For the last three nights, the orb manifestations seem to have taken on a new form. Instead of the all over patterns that have been labeled the signature of Spirit guides by some, the orbs now seem to have an internal flower like shape with spines attached to the outer ring (like a ships steering wheel).

Interesting pattern


Showing up on the next night


I keep hoping for a really clear image.

Three nights ago, three very bright ones appeared, and since then I have captured quite a few of these – not as bright, but clearly all the same type. It’s almost as if a whole family of these beings has suddenly monopolized the photographs. 

Here's a closeup of one taken this morning


Taken the second night - a closeup of orbs in the hemlock


They return the next night - pretty much all I'm getting now is these guys


The Misty Thing returns


Saturday night the Misty Thing appeared again. This time it looked like a giant bird. But I also clearly see a man’s head and face. He has full white hair, long nose, and a white bushy mustache. I do wish I knew what this was. Perhaps I should start calling it the Misty Man.

One taken this morning, untouched

Last night I was quite suspicious of all the orbs I was getting as it had been raining and the air was full of moisture. So half way through the photo taking, I dried off the lens before each photo. These are the ones I’m posting. Sometimes I’d get a whole collection, and then the next photo would have nothing. I am always reassured when this happens. (Click for the larger image.)

Notice the different colors in these orbs

Interestingly, I discovered from my granddaughter, when I returned the boys, that she and her friend had gotten orbs again and that their orbs were showing up with rings inside – something they have not seen before. I will be curious when I receive some, whether their orbs look like my new ones. 
I’m at a loss as to what to make of all this. I’m hoping in time, I’ll have a clearer understanding of why they are apeparing, and what, if anything, I should do about it – other than just enjoy.

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Welcomed visitor

Since my last posting, I have been heading outside every night for star gazing and orb visitations. Though I have been requesting a Y or N orb, I have not received one. The orbs however, have continued to show up, and I continue to love ‘seeing’ them.

Angel Orb

Yesterday my camera arrived back from being repaired, and I headed out this morning at 3 a.m. and again at 5:30 a.m., for orb photo shoots. I wouldn’t call the orb attendance equal to the multitudes that have occasionally showed up, but they were here, nevertheless. The bright angel orb seems to show up every night. And also here this morning was the Misty Thing – this time around the Lilac tree again. If only I could see it, I might get it fully in the photo. One of these days I will begin to see these beings with my own eyes.

The Misty Thing - it was gone in the next shot


I have a good friend who is fairly convinced that all these Spirits are showing up for a reason, and the fact that I had a response to my request seems to indicate that there may be an opportunity here for me to open up other channels of communication. When I think back to the meaning of the woodchuck totem (see Day 45 – Dreams and The Woodchuck) I am inspired to spend this winter doing just that.   

I’ll keep posting a few orbs for those of you who are interested.

I'm glad to see they are still here

Taken yesterday with the borrowed camera


Max ready to pounce

I will go back now to the day I received the heart within a triangle, when I was going to post the woodland walk with Max and the dogs. 

Max taking the experts' trail


My pals

Max arrives every third day or so. He comes in, has a large breakfast, and then comes out while the dogs and I stroll around. We wandered deep into the woods, and Max went through his usual routine of pouncing on the dogs, and exploring everything. When we got back home, he came in and took a nap on the back of the sofa. I don’t normally let the cats into the living room area, so Max again gets preferential treatment. I am at a loss as to the magic he seems to wield over me. He gets wet food, he’s allowed into the ‘no-cat’ rooms, and he gets total freedom. 

pausing for a drink


Is this Max's orb?


And another shot of Max and the Spirit orb


I took a few photos of him sleeping, and look what showed up – a Spirit guide. Could this be his Spirit guide? It is certainly large. And there it is watching over him. Who knows, Perhaps it’s my guide, and he’s fallen under Max’s spell as well.

Yesterday Max arrived again, and this time he went with us in the car while I picked up my camera. He’s a happy traveler, and now sits on my lap from time to time rather than on the dash board in front of me. 

My granddaughter surrounded by Angel orbs


Last but not least, my granddaughter has also been getting orbs in her camera, especially when she is with a particular friend of hers. Here are two of the shots she sent me. 

Her friend dancing with the Angels

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